When should a corporate seminar be held ?

Hall 2 du C.I.D Deauville ©L.Lebailly

Busi­ness sem­inars are becom­ing a must for com­pan­ies. It is a ques­tion of bring­ing togeth­er employ­ees with the aim of achiev­ing an object­ive such as strength­en­ing team cohe­sion, improv­ing com­mu­nic­a­tion or increas­ing employ­ee motiv­a­tion, out­side the usu­al work envir­on­ment that is the office.

For com­pan­ies that have decided to organ­ize this kind of event, the choice of the date is very import­ant. By organ­iz­ing your event as early as pos­sible, you max­im­ize your chances of hav­ing your employ­ees avail­able dur­ing the chosen peri­od.

You are in the middle of organ­iz­ing your com­pany sem­in­ar? Are you look­ing for the ideal time for your pro­fes­sion­al event? The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville gives you some advice so that you can choose the best pos­sible date for your pro­fes­sion­al sem­in­ar. Nor­mandy and the CID are beau­ti­ful places for your sem­in­ar in France.

Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville Ver­rière © bab13


There are a few times of year that stand out when it comes to organ­iz­ing a cor­por­ate retreat. Depend­ing on your object­ives or desired activ­it­ies, one time of the year may be more suit­able than another.

Let’s take a look at the 3 best times to organ­ize your pro­fes­sion­al event :

Organ­ize a cor­por­ate sem­in­ar in June
With the arrival of good weath­er, a cor­por­ate event should delight the par­ti­cipants. At this time of the year, it is a ques­tion of spend­ing a con­vivi­al moment just before the employ­ees’ vaca­tions. Indeed, it is the ideal moment to rein­force team cohe­sion with­in your com­pany through out­door activities.

Deau­ville, two hours from Par­is and eas­ily access­ible, is the ideal place for your pro­fes­sion­al sem­in­ar in Cal­va­dos. Deau­ville allows you to organ­ize a Nor­mandy sea­side sem­in­ar and enjoy an excel­lent busi­ness tour­ism. Deau­ville is elec­ted to the rand of the most pop­u­lar small town in France. All the infra­struc­tures are with­in a 4 km radi­us which allows you to real­ize a sem­in­ar on foot in a secure environment.


Organize a corporate seminar in September

Organ­iz­ing a sem­in­ar in Septem­ber is a good oppor­tun­ity to invite your employ­ees after the school vaca­tions. There is noth­ing like it to motiv­ate your teams or to train the new ele­ments that have joined the ranks of your com­pany. Organ­iz­ing a sem­in­ar at this time is a good way to integ­rate and train your new recruits!

Organize a company seminar at the end or beginning of the year

Hold­ing a sem­in­ar at the end of the year before the hol­i­days or a few days after the new year is a good way to thank your employ­ees for their work. The par­ti­cipants will be able to cel­eb­rate around a good meal and it will be the ideal tim­ing to present the object­ives of the com­pany for the year to come.


Buf­fet dans les halls © BabXIII 
Le Han­gar à Enigmes © ©J.Basile

Which periods should be avoided when organizing a company seminar?

When organ­iz­ing a com­pany sem­in­ar, it is essen­tial to keep in mind that cer­tain dates should be avoided. Times such as school vaca­tions or cer­tain major events in the cal­en­dar should be taken into account before­hand, when organ­iz­ing a seminar.

School vacations are unfavorable for the organization of a professional seminar

If you wish to have a max­im­um of par­ti­cipants dur­ing your com­pany sem­in­ar, you should avoid organ­iz­ing it dur­ing school vaca­tions. Your employ­ees will cer­tainly not move their vaca­tions to be present at your cor­por­ate event espe­cially if they have chil­dren. It is also import­ant to note that many ven­ues will be unavail­able or will increase their prices dur­ing the school vacations.

Avoid the big dates of the calendar

In order for your employ­ees and guests to attend in large num­bers, you should choose dates out­side of the major events of the year. You should avoid hold­ing your sem­in­ar dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son or when a major sport­ing or cul­tur­al event is tak­ing place. You should also take into account what may be hap­pen­ing in the area you have chosen to host your sem­in­ar. Pub­lic hol­i­days and week­ends are also times to be avoided when organ­iz­ing a cor­por­ate event.

Is it possible to organize a corporate seminar at any time of the year?

Organ­iz­ing a cor­por­ate sem­in­ar or oth­er pro­fes­sion­al event can be done through­out the year as long as it coin­cides with your object­ives. As long as you avoid as much as pos­sible the peri­ods seen above, your event will have all the chances to suc­ceed with a good planning.

Think­ing about the activ­it­ies and enter­tain­ment you plan to do should help you nar­row down the pos­sible dates for your cor­por­ate retreat. Don’t for­get oth­er cri­ter­ia such as the dur­a­tion of the sem­in­ar, the budget, the loc­a­tion, the num­ber of guests when organ­iz­ing your event. Plan­ning your cor­por­ate sem­in­ar in advance will allow you to anti­cip­ate poten­tial unfore­seen events.


Aud­it­or­i­um Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deauville 

Are you look­ing for the ideal loc­a­tion in France for your busi­ness sem­in­ar? How about the sub­lime town of Deau­ville ? The sea­side resort of Nor­mandy is the per­fect place for a com­pany sem­in­ar. Ideally loc­ated, two hours from Par­is, Deau­ville knows how to host pro­fes­sion­al events of all sizes. The city is full of excep­tion­al ven­ues such as the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville or the Villa Le Cercle. Organ­iz­ing a sem­in­ar in such places guar­an­tees to pleas­antly sur­prise your dif­fer­ent col­lab­or­at­ors. This will help you to bet­ter reach the dif­fer­ent object­ives you have set for this event.

The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville offers the pos­sib­il­ity to organ­ize many cor­por­ate events such as

  • A study day
  • A team building
  • A gala evening
  • A con­gress
  • A sem­in­ar
  • A trade show

Don’t hes­it­ate any longer and come and organ­ize your pro­fes­sion­al event in Deauville!


Le Centre International de Deauville vu en hauteur

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