Your study day in Normandy

Organisez votre journée d’étude en bord de mer à Deauville

The advantages of your study day in Deauville

For a study day less than 2 hours from Par­is, Deau­ville is the lead­ing des­tin­a­tion in France. It has an attract­ive and stim­u­lat­ing envir­on­ment and allows you to organize :

  • a study day two hours from Par­is: Deau­ville is eas­ily access­ible for par­ti­cipants and has numer­ous park­ing spaces in the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of the study day venues ;
  • a study day by the sea ;
  • a study day on foot.

    Study Days at CID Deauville

    Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville
    Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville ©JacquesBASILE

    Find out more about our Turnkey Study Day formulas

    Villa Le Cercle - Journée d'étude

    Study day room rental with CID Deauville

    An exper­i­enced event team will help you organ­ize a suc­cess­ful con­fer­ence and find the right place to hold your con­fer­ence, the right place to wel­come your experts, your speak­ers and your listen­ers. Entrust the real­iz­a­tion of your study day to one of the best con­ven­tion cen­ters in France!
    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter takes care of the pre­par­a­tion of the event and offers flex­ible spaces to host your study day:

    • The Villa le Cercle Deau­ville, entirely privat­iz­able, for events from 60 to 220 par­ti­cipants: an event space that is both atyp­ic­al and per­fectly func­tion­al, entirely privat­iz­able. The place to host a day of study that many com­pan­ies in Nor­mandy have chosen!
    • The Sund­ance space : mod­u­lar and bright, it has a cater­ing area, a bar and an out­door access: A room equipped and adap­ted to your event from 60 to 220 participants;
    • The Lex­ing­ton aud­it­or­i­um : 223 seats for the com­fort of all participants.

    The many spaces avail­able at the CID Deau­ville and the Villa le Cercle Deau­ville allow you to privat­ize a place for a day of study at your image.

    Vis­it the spaces of the CID Deauville

    Terrasse Villa Le Cercle
    Cocktail espace Sundance
    Espace de réception Sundance - C.I.D

    What will be the format of your Study Day?

    A tailor-made study day

    The employ­ees are invited to a new place, they are all focused on the same object­ive, wheth­er it is train­ing or inform­a­tion exchange. Accord­ing to your needs, the CID Deau­ville event team will work with you to design a per­son­al­ized day of study:

    • The theme ;
    • The room lay­out for your work ses­sion (round table, U, cab­aret, classroom, theater…) ;
    • The lunch ;
    • The anim­a­tion

    Everything is done to wel­come your par­ti­cipants and speak­ers in the best conditions.

    A turnkey packaged study day

    The Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter offers fully pack­aged, turn­key study days in charm­ing, fully-equipped spaces, to effi­ciently organ­ize your study day even if you are short of time!
    Places for a study day at CID Deauville :

    The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter team is recog­nized for the qual­ity of the events it organ­izes through­out the year. Entrust them with your study day project !

    Our clients testify

    All cus­tom­er testimonials

    • Laurence Burnouf

      Management Assistance URML Normandie

      The geographical location of the C.I.D., in the heart of Normandy, is ideal to organize a meeting gathering the "great Normandy", with professional spaces and teams of choice.

    • Nicolas Lizart

      Secretary General - MEDEF

      Organizing an event, even an ambitious one, at the C.I.D. is very easy, the teams go out of their way to meet our requirements, which can be strong and late! The pressure on the organization is reduced and it is very appreciable.

    • Lydia Bretos

      Academy of Caen

      Excellent feedback for the C.I.D. team, availability, professionalism.

    Choosing a committed and sustainable venue for a study day

    To make your event a suc­cess, choose a des­tin­a­tion that is com­mit­ted to redu­cing the envir­on­ment­al impact of its event activ­ity. The cer­ti­fic­a­tions obtained by the Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter give the main guidelines fol­lowed for a sus­tain­able and respons­ible event.

    • ISO 20121 cer­ti­fied con­ven­tion center ;
    • Safe Con­gress Centre ;
    • Sécuri-site Centre ;
    • Des­tin­a­tion Deau­ville cer­ti­fied as an Innov­at­ive Sus­tain­able Des­tin­a­tion.

      Learn more about CID Deau­ville’s Cor­por­ate Social Respons­ib­il­ity (CSR)

      • Study day and business tourism

        The study day is an inter-company event that often deals with a very specific subject over a whole day: the study day is neither a meeting nor a seminar. The study day brings the team together outside the work environment : the location of the venue is essential for the success of your event. You can for example privatize a place for a day of study in Normandy, which allows you to escape from the Paris region, in an extra-professional setting.

      • The objectives of the study day

        You wish to organize a day of study for your company: To gather the collaborators outside the usual offices, in a framework favourable to the professional productivity, makes it possible to break with the daily newspaper and to remain concentrated all day on the objectives of the company:

        • Encourage discussions and teamwork: a unifying study day ;
        • Focus participants' attention on solving a problem : an effective study day ;
        • Gather your collaborators around a subject of analysis : a constructive study day ;

        The participants feel privileged and the working day becomes a boost to productivity, it stimulates creativity and concentration.

        This event represents an important stake for the company. In this context, the choice of a location for a face-to-face study day is essential.

      Want to organize an event at CID?

      For an inspiring, lasting, resounding and unforgettable event!