General public areaComing to Deauville • The City “all on foot”

The City “all on foot”

Welcome to Deauville !

Deau­ville, is a town on the Côte Fleur­ie, in the Nor­mandy region. It is pop­u­lated with 3 570 inhab­it­ants and is con­cen­trated on 4Km². Beach, Casi­nos, racetracks, golf courses and lis­ted vil­las: Deau­ville is con­sidered one of the most pres­ti­gi­ous cit­ies in France. Equipped with infra­struc­tures worthy of met­ro­pol­ises, the eleg­ant resort can be vis­ited on foot.

“I invite you to Deau­ville, labeled a “Sus­tain­able Innov­at­ive Des­tin­a­tion,” whose human dimen­sion and beauty foster inspir­a­tion, well-being, rela­tion­ships and nur­ture cre­ativ­ity.” Phil­ippe Augi­er, May­or of Deau­ville and Pres­id­ent of CID Deauville

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