Professional spaceCID Deauville • The eco-responsible event

The eco-responsible event in Normandy

The CID: an eco-responsible convention center in France

Balade à cheval au bord de mer à Deauville

Deauville « Innovative sustainable destination »

Deau­ville has been awar­ded the “Innov­at­ive Sus­tain­able Des­tin­a­tion” label in order to accel­er­ate the chal­lenges of sus­tain­able tour­ism and respons­ible event planning:

  • Deploy­ing open and trans­par­ent gov­ernance;
  • Strengthen sus­tain­able mobil­ity to achieve car­bon neut­ral­ity by 2050;
  • Pro­mote respons­ible con­sump­tion and fight against waste;
  • Make tour­ism a driver of inclu­sion;
  • Enhance the eco­nomy and pro­tect the des­tin­a­tion’s her­it­age;
  • Mobil­ize resources to foster sus­tain­able innov­a­tion in the tour­ism sector;
  • Involve tour­ists, pro­fes­sion­als and event organ­izers in the sus­tain­able dynam­ic;
  • Pay­ing spe­cif­ic atten­tion to pub­lic safety.

The Deauville Convention Centre is ISO 20121 certified

In Deau­ville, the con­ven­tion cen­ter is one of the main event spaces ded­ic­ated to com­pan­ies. It is driv­ing change by fol­low­ing the guidelines of the ISO 20121 stand­ard. This inter­na­tion­al stand­ard aims to reduce the impact of event activ­it­ies on the envir­on­ment, it integ­rates the CSR com­mit­ment — Cor­por­ate Social Respons­ib­il­ity — of the con­ven­tion center.
Dis­cov­er in the sec­tion below “How to organ­ize an eco-respons­ible event at the CID” the con­crete actions taken at each stage of the event.

Le C.I.D en début de soirée

How to organize an eco-responsible event at CID?

Lim­it­ing one’s envir­on­ment­al foot­print and optim­iz­ing waste man­age­ment: every­one must act on a daily basis to reduce their impact on the envir­on­ment. The same is true on a lar­ger scale for the busi­ness tour­ism industry. Major pro­fes­sion­al events must integ­rate eco­lo­gic­al and eth­ic­al actions in each of the organ­iz­a­tion stages: meas­ur­ing the envir­on­ment­al and soci­et­al impact of a pro­fes­sion­al event is a necessity.

Choos­ing a ven­ue with a repu­ta­tion for its eco­lo­gic­al approach allows event organ­izers to be guided and to integ­rate more respons­ible prac­tices in the plan­ning of their event.

Some tools : Optim­ize your actions with the CLÉO cal­cu­lat­or, developed by UNIMEV.

Auditorium Michel d'Ornano
Aud­it­or­i­um Michel d’Ornano

Applying a sustainable methodology for its events: the key steps

In order to make a con­crete com­mit­ment to each pro­fes­sion­al event, the event organ­izer must rethink each stage of the organ­iz­a­tion in accord­ance with the prin­ciples of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. The Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter has made a long-term com­mit­ment to a truly eco­lo­gic­al approach. By fol­low­ing the prin­ciples of ISO 20121 cer­ti­fic­a­tion, a respons­ible man­age­ment stand­ard applied to the event busi­ness, the CID integ­rates the eco­lo­gic­al aspect into its organ­iz­a­tion. Here are the best prac­tices for man­aging an event:

  • Limiting the impact of transportation

    The travel of participants represents a significant impact on the environment. To decarbonize transportation, consider the following criteria when choosing a location for your event:

    • An accessible destination : give priority to public transport and cities with good connections. The train and the bus are for example alternatives to be taken into account. The Deauville Congress Centre is accessible by public transport, which reduces the carbon footprint of individual travel;
    • An all-walk event : Does the event location allow you to walk to the event? To answer this question, find out the distances between the accommodation and catering venues and the event venue and any incentive venues;
    • Hotels and lodging places that are committed to : Ecolabel, Green Key, High Environmental Quality, HQE label...

    The destination Deauville and the CID Centre des Congrès are specialized in the organization of events on foot, they continue their efforts in hosting seminars committed to controlling their carbon footprint.

  • La restauration pendant l’événement

    The CID's catering service and partner caterers are committed to sustainable development. They act on several levels:

    • The choice of service providers : the CID's referenced caterers are all local and work themselves with local producers to highlight products from the Normandy region;
    • The orders : limit waste by adjusting the quantity to the number of participants;
    • Menus : composed with seasonal and local products to limit the impact of transportation, and it's even better!
    • The dishes : zero plastic. Reusable or recyclable dishes. Water bottle packaging is mainly made of cardboard and recycled;
    • Waste sorting : the caterers referred to the CID are committed to managing and recycling their bio-waste.
  • Les achats, l’énergie et les déchets

    • Adopt an eco-responsible behavior by reducing heating and air conditioning during the assembly and disassembly of events;
    • Reduce the use of energy-consuming equipment by installing low-energy lighting equipment;
    • Opting for reusable materials : signage for example;
    • Waste recovery : CID Deauville scrupulously respects the 5-stream selective sorting mechanism : paper, cardboard, plastic, wood, glass, metal;
    • Valuing local know-how and the local economy : CID Deauville is committed to working with local technical, audiovisual, security and cleaning service providers in a relationship of exchange and partnership.
  • La Gestion de la communication

    The communication on the efforts undertaken by the event to reduce its environmental impact must be fair and transparent, it is not about greenwashing.

    Adopting responsible communication means integrating the notion of sustainable development in the choice of each communication medium:

    • Digital media : our events team will help you to choose digital media (digital ticketing, signage and digital communication):
    • Paper supports : the printers referenced at the Convention Center are Imprim'Vert certified, the signage is reusable;
    • Derivative products and goodies : the CID manages the Deauville American Film Festival merchandise store: Made in France or at least Made in Europe purchases, sourced products, made by committed service providers... Good news: The offer is becoming denser in the face of growing demand. Prefer to offer your participants a beautiful product rather than a multitude of goodies that will most certainly end up in a drawer!


  • Penser à l'environnement dans l'organisation d'événements : les avantages

    An event that integrates more responsible practices in its organization will have strong impacts and spin-offs:

    • Increasing adherence to the company's values. Internally with employees: employees feel involved in an approach that makes sense. Externally with service providers, suppliers, partners, customers and prospects: a company's social and environmental responsibility approach strengthens its ties with the local and regional economic fabric;
    • Encourage eco-responsible practices. Raising awareness of eco-responsibility among participants and partners;
    • Improve its reputation : the committed and responsible event becomes in line with the values of the company and its actors;

    With all these elements, you are ready to organize an eco-responsible event at the Palais des Congrès CID Deauville !


    Les planches de Deauville au petit matin
    Autres sports et loisirs 60 © Ville de Deauville

    Cal­cu­late the car­bon foot­print of your event

    Go to the Good­Plan­et website

    Download the brochure

    Brochure sur la création d'événements