General public areaComing to Deauville • History of Deauville

History of Deauville

  • 17,700,000 visitors

    over the year 2022
  • Top 10

    of the most pop­u­lar small French cities
  • Top 5

    of the most romantic cit­ies in France
Les célèbres planches de Deauville
L'hôtel Normandy Barrière de Deauville
Faire de la régate à Deauville
Le casino Barrière de Deauville

19th century: Birth of the seaside resort of Deauville

How did Deauville become one of the most attractive cities in Normandy?

How could this town of only 4,000 inhab­it­ants mul­tiply its pop­u­la­tion by 10 at cer­tain times of the year? At the begin­ning of the 19th cen­tury, sea­side resorts were spring­ing up, fre­quen­ted by the aris­to­cracy and the Parisi­an bour­geois­ie, eager for pleas­ure and enter­tain­ment. Joseph Oliff, a doc­tor in Trouville, a small fish­ing town nearby, saw enorm­ous poten­tial in the 240 hec­tares of mead­ows and marshes that stretched down to the sea. He joined forces with the Duke of Morny, archi­tect and half-broth­er of Napo­leon III, to design the town of Deau­ville. At the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tury, Eugène Cor­nuché, own­er of the  Max­im’s res­taur­ant, estab­lished the attract­ive­ness of the town of Deau­ville by build­ing a casino and two lux­ury hotels: the Nor­mandy and the Roy­al.

Deauville: 21st district of Paris

Very quickly the town became the sym­bol of the Roar­ing Twen­ties: Coco Chanel, Mistinguett, Sacha Guitry and many oth­er influ­en­tial per­son­al­it­ies fre­quen­ted the resort of Deau­ville to play at the Casino and to party. The whole of Par­is flocked to vis­it “the 21st arron­disse­ment of Par­is”.

The kingdom of Anglo-Norman architecture

Impor­ted from Eng­land, Deau­ville’s sea­side bathing concept is a chic Eng­lish style that influ­ences even its archi­tec­ture. The sea­side vil­las now com­bine bow-win­dows and Eng­lish land­scaped gar­dens, with half-tim­ber­ing and tra­di­tion­al Nor­man fini­als. Built between 1907 and 1912 at the request of Bar­on Henri de Rotschild, a great racing enthu­si­ast, and later owned by Ral­ph Beaver Strass­bur­ger, the Villa Strass­bur­ger in Deau­ville is a true hymn to the Anglo-Nor­man style.

  • Le Centre International de Deauville vue du ciel
  • Balade à cheval au bord de mer à Deauville
  • Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville
  • Photo de la place Morny à Deauville
  • La villa Strassburger à Deauville
Les parasols sur la plage de Deauville ©JacquesBASILE Ville 12 - Place Morny ┬® Delphine Barre╠ü Lerouxel -inDeauville

The emblems of the resort Deauville

Chabadabada… Deauville: The setting for successful films

In the col­lect­ive ima­gin­a­tion, Deau­ville is all about romance. In 1966, Claude Lel­ouch’s film “A Man and a Woman” brought the sea­side resort to the fore­front. This story of a pas­sion­ate love with Jean-Louis Trin­tig­nant and Anouk Aimée, these cult scenes on the beach of Deau­ville and this fam­ous ritor­nello “chabadabada, chabadabada …”, travels around the world. Oth­er films bor­rowed the charm of Deau­ville: “Nous irons à Deau­ville” with Louis de Fun­ès, “Je suis tim­ide mais je me soigne” with Pierre Richard... to make it the cap­it­al of the 7th art.
Born in 1975, the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al has trans­formed the 643 meters of the Deau­ville boards into a “Walk of Fame”. The names of the greatest Amer­ic­an stars who have atten­ded the Fest­iv­al are inscribed on the booths lin­ing the beach in Deauville.

Dis­cov­er the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Festival

Affiche de film
L'hippodrome de Deauville-La Touques
Jeudi 11 Août 2016;Deauville;AMBIANCES ;SCOOPDYGA - CHOURAQUI Elliott

Deauville lives to the rhythm of the horse

In Deau­ville, the horse is an emblem. The Deau­ville la Touques race­course was built in 1664… before the church. To cope with the grow­ing num­ber of horse racing enthu­si­asts, a second race­course was even built in the 1900s: the Claire­fon­taine race­course. The best jock­eys and horses in the world meet through­out the year to com­pete in races with dizzy­ing gains. In Deau­ville, the sales of yearlings, young horses, rep­res­ent the 2nd largest mar­ket in the world. Deau­ville has also been the show­case of French polo for nearly a cen­tury: inter­na­tion­al matches take place at the cen­ter of the Deau­ville La Touques racecourse.

The mythical parasols of Deauville

For 150 years, more than 450 para­sols have colored the beach of Deau­ville. True post­cards of the city of Deau­ville, blue, green, yel­low, orange… they proudly dis­play their fam­ous Deau­ville bow. Man­aged by the para­so­liers of Deau­ville, they can be ren­ted with a pitch from the East­er vacations.

Les parasols sur la plage - Deauville
Les parasols sur la plage - Deauville

Deauville and business tourism

To meet the grow­ing demand from event organ­izers, the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter was opened in 1992. A sym­bol of the vital­ity of the city of Deau­ville, it hosts nearly 140 events per year : inter­na­tion­al polit­ic­al sum­mits, cor­por­ate con­ven­tions and sem­inars, trade shows and also shows, con­certs and festivals.

Dis­cov­er the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Center

  • Top 10 Deauville on the podium of business destinations to organize a seminar

Sources: Flux Vis­ion, Cœur Côte Fleur­ie ter­rit­ory — InDeau­ville — Trouville
/ Holidu rank­ing, search engine for vaca­tion rent­als — 2021 / Se loger rank­ing 2019 / Petit futé 2020

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