Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The data con­trol­ler is SAEM Ges­tion du C.I.D (Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville) whose head office is loc­ated at 1 Aven­ue Lucien Bar­rière in Deau­ville (14800).

The C.I.D. is fully com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing your pri­vacy and respect­ing your choices, in par­tic­u­lar by mak­ing every effort to com­ply with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (or RGPD).
Gen­er­ally speak­ing, C.I.D is aware of the import­ance of the per­son­al data it may col­lect and pro­cess. It wishes to share with its users what inform­a­tion is col­lec­ted and for what pur­poses. It under­takes to pro­tect them and to use them only for the pur­poses for which they were collected.

1. Personal Information

Per­son­al inform­a­tion iden­ti­fies, alone or in com­bin­a­tion, dir­ectly or indir­ectly, a spe­cif­ic indi­vidu­al; for example: name, date of birth, pass­port pho­to­graph, e‑mail address, and gen­er­ally any per­son­al inform­a­tion as defined by applic­able law.

2. What information is processed

With­in the frame­work of the Inter­net site, the inform­a­tion neces­sary to the treat­ments is trans­mit­ted by our Net surfers. This trans­mis­sion is done in the form of inform­a­tion col­lec­tion on the site from vari­ous forms. Per­son­al inform­a­tion such as :

  • E‑mail address for the regis­tra­tion to the send­ing of the news;
  • Name, first name, e‑mail address and tele­phone num­ber for the “Leave a mes­sage” form;
  • Name, first name, e‑mail address for the bro­chure down­load form.

    3. Where your data is processed

    Per­son­al data are stored in data­bases that are stored on serv­ers loc­ated in France, there­fore with­in the European Uni­on, more pre­cisely at the host­ing com­pany OVH.

    4. The purpose of the data processing

    The per­son­al data pro­cessed are used only to:

    • To receive reg­u­lar e‑mail updates on events tak­ing place at the C.I.D.
    • To be con­tac­ted by the C.I.D. sales department,
    • To receive the desired brochure.

    Only the per­son­al data strictly neces­sary to sat­is­fy these object­ives are used.

    5. Legal basis for processing

    The pro­cessing oper­a­tions cor­res­pond­ing to the pur­poses are based on the con­sent of the per­son for the col­lec­tion of inform­a­tion described above.

    6. How long the data is kept

    Per­son­al data are kept for a peri­od of 3 years.

    7. Recipients of the data

    The recip­i­ents of the data are :
    The ser­vices of the C.I.D (mar­ket­ing, com­mer­cial ser­vices) and its sub­con­tract­or for the advert­ising campaigns,

    8. Access to your personal data

    The hold­ers of per­son­al data have the right to access their per­son­al data, to rec­ti­fy or delete them, or to lim­it the pro­cessing relat­ing to the per­son con­cerned, or to object to the pro­cessing and the right to data port­ab­il­ity. To assert your rights, you can send your request by leav­ing a mes­sage at the ded­ic­ated e‑mail address: (or by send­ing a let­ter of request to the address of the headquarters).

    Cookies policy

    “This policy applies to the cook­ies present on the ser­vice pub­lished by the C.I.D, respons­ible for the treat­ment, access­ible by a user via his con­nec­tion ter­min­al (com­puter, tab­let, smart­phone, etc.), from the address

    1. Definitions

    Cook­ies are small, non-execut­able text files stored on your device when the web­site is loaded on your browser. The data col­lec­ted as you access and use the site is inten­ded for us. Indeed, the Cook­ies that we man­age allow us, in par­tic­u­lar, to count the num­ber of ter­min­als access­ing the site, to estab­lish stat­ist­ics of fre­quent­a­tion, to avoid the User of the Ter­min­al con­cerned to provide again per­son­al data that he had pre­vi­ously provided…

    2. The choice of the User

    The first time a user­’s ter­min­al con­nects to our site, an inform­a­tion ban­ner spe­cify­ing the con­text appears to ask for your choice. Three pos­sib­il­it­ies are offered: “Accept all”, “Refuse all” or modi­fy “My pref­er­ences”.
    This last but­ton allows you to par­tially accept cook­ies by cat­egory (for example: audi­ence meas­ure­ment, advert­ising…) by mov­ing the curs­or for the cat­egory con­cerned, by default the cat­egory is inact­ive; on the oth­er hand, some cook­ies are essen­tial to the prop­er func­tion­ing of the site (neces­sary cat­egory always act­ive) and there­fore not sub­ject to the con­sent of the Inter­net user.
    Once made, your choice will be kept for one year and you can go back on your choice by modi­fy­ing your pref­er­ences by click­ing on the “Man­age cook­ies” but­ton loc­ated at the bot­tom right of each page.

    3. The different cookies present on our Site

    The site uses the cook­ie man­ager “Cook­ieYes”, a com­pany based in Great Bri­tain (coun­try declared adequate), which stores the his­tory of your choice regard­ing the man­age­ment of cookies.
    The cook­ies grouped by cat­egory are the following:

    3.1 Category of necessary cookies

    These cook­ies are related to the prop­er func­tion­ing of the site and provide basic func­tion­al­ity and secur­ity func­tions, anonymously.

    3.2. category of audience measurement cookies (analytical)

    The audi­ence meas­ure­ment cook­ies estab­lish stat­ist­ics on the num­ber of vis­its and the use of our Site. Stat­ist­ics on the num­ber of vis­it­ors to the Site can thus be produced.

    3.3 Social network sharing cookies (functional)

    Cook­ies are likely to be depos­ited on your Ter­min­al by social net­work­ing sites allow­ing the shar­ing of con­tent on our Site, the col­lec­tion of com­ments and oth­er third-party fea­tures. We can­not con­trol these Cook­ies and the data col­lec­ted by social net­works. For more inform­a­tion on these applic­a­tions, we invite you to con­sult the pri­vacy policies of each social network.

    3.4. Category of advertising cookies (advertizing)

    Advert­ising cook­ies are used to provide vis­it­ors with rel­ev­ant advert­ise­ments and mar­ket­ing cam­paigns. These cook­ies track vis­it­ors to the web­sites and col­lect inform­a­tion to provide per­son­al­ized advertisements.
    CID has con­trac­ted its sub­con­tract­or who provides a mar­ket­ing auto­ma­tion tool to imple­ment effect­ive mar­ket­ing cam­paigns with data hos­ted in France on secure servers.

    4. Additional information

    For more inform­a­tion on cook­ies, the User may vis­it the CNIL website.