Annual Congress of the College of Orthodontics — ESO

Réception dans l'espace Sundance

Annu­al Con­gress of the Col­lege of Ortho­dontics — ESO

Meet­ing with Ron­dro VERNET-RAVANOMANANA from the Col­lege of Ortho­dontics and Jean-Marc AMICHIA, ped­ago­gic­al ref­er­ent of the Col­lege of Ortho­dontics.

Could you describe the event for us?

We are a Qualiopi cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sion­al train­ing organ­iz­a­tion for dent­ists who wish to spe­cial­ize in ortho­dontics. Our train­ing is a com­plete cycle that takes place over 3 years.

Every year, we bring togeth­er all the classes, from the old­est gradu­ates to the new­est stu­dents, at an annu­al con­fer­ence to cre­ate a school network.

We take advant­age of this moment to hold the gradu­ation cere­mony and cre­ate a fest­ive moment where all the par­ti­cipants get to know each oth­er, encour­aging feed­back from former graduates.

How does the con­fer­ence work?

Our event takes place over two days and star­ted on Fri­day morn­ing. It takes place in the Sund­ance space, which is divided for the occa­sion into two dis­tinct areas, one part reserved for social­iz­ing at the bar, includ­ing cof­fee breaks and meet­ings in the exhib­i­tion area. Then a part is reserved for conferences.

What can be found in the exhib­i­tion area?

On our exhib­i­tion area, we can find dif­fer­ent part­ners who inter­vene and sup­port us in the frame­work of the training.

They are man­u­fac­tur­ers who sup­ply ortho­dont­ic equip­ment or who offer com­puter soft­ware for bet­ter patient care. This year, we also have with us brokers who deal with asset management.

Where do your attendees come from?

This year is our fourth con­gress. It brings togeth­er 130 par­ti­cipants from all over France, but also from Reunion Island and Guyana. We are very happy to be in Deau­ville for this occasion.

Learn more about the school of orthodontics

The pro­ject team involved :
Karine Brou­ard, Sales Man­ager Normandy
Julia Coté, Pro­ject Manager
Héloïse Kozera and Jérôme Rigaux, Cater­ing Managers
Quentin Schnell­bach, Gen­er­al Manager

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