Art Shopping Deauville


Inter­view with Myri­am Annonay Castanet, Founder and Dir­ect­or of the 5th ART SHOPPING con­tem­por­ary art fair :

Myriam Annonay Castanet, Fondatrice et Directrice du 5e salon Art Shopping Deauville

How did you come up with the Art Shopping concept ?

The Art Shop­ping fair was con­ceived in response to a need felt at the time, in 2007, to provide easy, relaxed access to art, to approach artists simply and to buy works eas­ily. That’s how we came up with the unique concept of “Art Shopping”!

How did you choose the venue for your first show ?

At an art fair, the ven­ue and the date are cru­cial. We chose a pres­ti­gi­ous ven­ue to show­case the artists, the gal­ler­ies and the public.

In Par­is we are at the Car­rou­sel du Louvre, a stra­tegic choice because we attract not only a pop­u­la­tion of French and inter­na­tion­al artists and gal­ler­ies, but also a cat­egory of vis­it­ors who are sens­it­ive to a cer­tain art of liv­ing, dis­cov­er­ing and buy­ing art. They are look­ing for unique pieces that respond to an emotion.

You then developed Art Shop­ping in the regions…

The devel­op­ment of Art Shop­ping came nat­ur­ally. Artists, gal­ler­ies and the gen­er­al pub­lic were all ask­ing us to travel to new des­tin­a­tions in the regions.

Lyon, Mar­seille, Toulouse and Lille already had a large num­ber of art events, so we decided to work on a dif­fer­ent angle of ter­rit­or­ies and audiences.
The first region­al event took place in Deau­ville, at the request of the town, which wanted a pub­lic event to add to its cul­tur­al programme.

The artists we work with have very quickly embraced this des­tin­a­tion, as we are also reach­ing vis­it­ors from Par­is and Nor­mandy who are keen on this type of event. In Deau­ville, there is of course a strong cul­tur­al pro­gramme, but there were no events offer­ing the oppor­tun­ity to buy works of art.

So in 2018, the first edi­tion was launched at the Pal­ais des Con­grès in Deau­ville! It was a real suc­cess, with vis­it­ors and artists alike.
This All Saints’ Day event has become an integ­ral part of the agen­das of region­al and Parisi­an week­end vis­it­ors to Deau­ville and the Pays d’Auge, who are in an open and curi­ous frame of mind.

We were then approached by Biar­ritz, which was also look­ing for cul­tur­al events for the gen­er­al pub­lic. They liked the friendly, no-holds-barred spir­it of our concept, offer­ing the pub­lic the chance to meet, dis­cov­er and buy works of art dir­ectly from the artist.

Why did you choose the Palais des Congrès in Deauville ?

We were won over by the ven­ue’s will­ing­ness and desire to host ART Shop­ping. The CID’s “stra­tegic” loc­a­tion in Deau­ville was per­fect for us.
We were accom­pan­ied, super­vised and sup­por­ted at every stage of the con­struc­tion of the first edi­tion, and we felt a sin­cere desire to make a suc­cess of this event.
I appre­ci­ate the strong com­mit­ment of the teams and the good under­stand­ing that has developed. I don’t feel like a cus­tom­er of the CID, I feel like a partner!

What can you tell us about this 5th edition of CID Deauville

This show is above all a human story. It’s a rare and unique oppor­tun­ity to be in dir­ect con­tact with artists, and our event gives you the chance to meet and talk to them.
Art shop­ping will take place from 27 to 29 Octo­ber at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville (down­load invitation).

You’ll be able to dis­cov­er loc­al, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists, from Switzer­land, Bel­gi­um and Italy this year, spe­cial­ising in con­tem­por­ary art.

You’ll meet both estab­lished and up-and-com­ing artists, who will be step­ping out of their stu­di­os to show you their latest creations!

Art Shop­ping Deau­ville should be seen as a giant gal­lery, with dir­ect access to the artists who present their worlds, their work­ing tech­niques, their emo­tions, their stories…

Do you do a photo focus every year ?

Every year we try to do a photo focus to coin­cide with Planche(s) Con­tact, which takes place in Deau­ville at the same time. We like to emu­late a theme and this is the case in Deau­ville, with photography.

This year we’re launch­ing a new event dur­ing Art Shop­ping Deau­ville: a char­ity auc­tion of pho­tos by Roger Schall — an artist that Deau­ville show­cased on the boards a few years ago.

This char­ity auc­tion will bene­fit the Abbé Pierre Found­a­tion, and we are organ­ising it in col­lab­or­a­tion with Cécile Schall and the Mil­lon auc­tion house on Sat­urday 28 Octo­ber at 4pm at the CID. The sale will also be live on all the Mil­lon, Drouot and Inter­encheres auc­tion sites.

The pho­tos for sale will be on dis­play from the open­ing of Art Shop­ping on Fri­day 27 Octo­ber at 11am, allow­ing vis­it­ors to make their choice and pre­pare their bids!

What are the opening hours in CID Deauville ?

We wel­come you on Fri­day 27 Octo­ber and Sat­urday 28 Octo­ber from 11am to 7pm and on Sunday 29 Octo­ber from 11am to 6pm.

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