How to organize a study day ?


The study day is a pro­fes­sion­al event more and more planned by com­pan­ies in France. This inter-com­pany event allows employ­ees to get togeth­er and get away from the usu­al work envir­on­ment, while focus­ing on the com­pany’s objectives.

Organ­iz­ing a day of study requires a pre­par­a­tion before­hand so that the event goes per­fectly on the D‑day.

Here are some tips that should help you organ­ize a day of study that will meet your needs and those of your employees.


In order to effi­ciently organ­ize a study day, it is essen­tial to know what the object­ives of this cor­por­ate event are.

There are gen­er­ally 2 main object­ives for a study day:

  • The inform­at­ive day: this day allows you to inform your employ­ees about new stra­tegic pro­jects of the com­pany. It can also be used for train­ing purposes.
  • The fed­er­at­ive study day: this com­pany activ­ity rein­forces team cohe­sion. Com­mu­nic­a­tion between the dif­fer­ent par­ti­cipants is facil­it­ated in an unusu­al set­ting, out­side the walls of the company.

This short event (half a day or a whole day), must go to the essen­tial: an effect­ive study day. For this meet­ing to be pro­duct­ive, the room reserved must have qual­ity equip­ment and a good sequence of speak­ers. Breaks and lunch are also essen­tial to main­tain the qual­ity of listen­ing dur­ing the meet­ing phases, through­out the day.


Salon Rotonde en plé­nière à la Vil­la le Cercle Deau­ville © S. Vervisch

Start pre­par­ing for the study day in advance
Once the object­ives have been set, the pre­par­a­tion of the event includes dif­fer­ent steps:

  • List the par­ti­cipants to select the ven­ue that can accom­mod­ate your guests,
  • Set the date of the study day,
  • Con­dense the pro­gram and plan the sched­ules of the vari­ous interventions,
  • Select­ing speak­ers spe­cial­ized in the fields covered,
  • Take care of the present­a­tion materials,
  • Take the time to dis­cuss with the par­ti­cipants after the presentations,
  • Offer qual­ity breaks,
  • Ima­gin­ing an ori­gin­al activ­ity time, to break the mono­tony of the meetings.

If you start as early as pos­sible, you will be able to pre­pare your study day with peace of mind. You will also be able to make adjust­ments if unfore­seen events occur before the final date. Employ­ees are more and more demand­ing about the qual­ity of the pro­fes­sion­al events they attend. You must there­fore make the right choices to achieve the object­ives you have set beforehand.

The choice of the place for your study day

Your cor­por­ate event must be organ­ized in an atyp­ic­al place, an ori­gin­al place, allow­ing to gath­er com­fort­ably the par­ti­cipants. The choice of the city is determ­in­ing in the suc­cess of all your cor­por­ate events. A set­ting out of the ordin­ary will allow your guests to appre­ci­ate even more the event that you organize.


The space that you will reserve is also of cap­it­al import­ance. The room(s) occu­pied must be equipped with high per­form­ance equip­ment, so that you can provide optim­al work­ing con­di­tions for your employ­ees. Choose a place spe­cial­ized in the recep­tion of cor­por­ate events such as study days, the meet­ing room host­ing your event will then be equipped with the essen­tial material.
Spe­cial­ized ven­ues offer Study Day pack­ages, all-inclus­ive pack­ages that allow you to quickly com­pare and select the ideal ven­ue that fits your budget.

Enable your employ­ees to eas­ily access the loc­a­tion of the event

The study day is organ­ized on a short dur­a­tion, the loc­a­tion should not be too far from the work­place. If your premises are loc­ated in Par­is, for example, give pref­er­ence to nearby recep­tion ven­ues, loc­ated less than 2 hours away. Access­ib­il­ity via pub­lic trans­port­a­tion is also a plus for the com­fort of your employees.

If the par­ti­cipants can­not eas­ily access the chosen ven­ue, it will most likely have a neg­at­ive impact on their over­all exper­i­ence of the event. It is there­fore neces­sary to take this aspect into account when mak­ing your choice.


Villa Le Cercle
Villa Le Cercle

Organize a day of study in Deauville

Are you look­ing for the ideal place to organ­ize a day of study for your com­pany? Why not organ­ize your event in Deau­ville? The sub­lime sea­side resort of Nor­mandy is the per­fect place for a day of study.

Loc­ated two hours from Par­is, it offers easy access to your employ­ees. The city has excep­tion­al recep­tion ven­ues such as the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville or the Villa Le Cercle de Deau­ville. By reserving such a place for your day of study, you will be sure to leave a mark on your guests’ minds! Deau­ville offers the pos­sib­il­ity of numer­ous activ­it­ies, both indoor and outdoor.

Sandy beaches, res­taur­ants, casi­nos, racetracks, thalas­so­ther­apy and much more: there is some­thing for everyone!
Come and organ­ize your day of study in Deau­ville, a per­fect set­ting for a suc­cess­ful event! If you have any ques­tions, do not hes­it­ate to con­tact us for more inform­a­tion about the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deauville.

CID Deauville
CID Deau­ville

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