The Centre International de Deauville, 30 years of events

The G8 Summit in 2011
The G8 Summit in 2011 © CID

For 30 years, the Deau­ville Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion Cen­ter has con­trib­uted to the inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion of the fam­ous sea­side resort of Deau­ville with a true strategy of event devel­op­ment. It has been able to host a vari­ety of events such as world polit­ic­al sum­mits, fest­ivals, sem­inars, con­ven­tions and trade shows… All of these events have con­trib­uted to the suc­cess of the Con­ven­tion Cen­ter and have made this build­ing a key ven­ue for busi­ness tour­ism in Normandy.

Since its open­ing, the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter has attrac­ted a lot of atten­tion and, start­ing in 1993, wel­comed the auto­mobile world with the Peugeot con­ven­tion, which took place in the CID for a month. This large-scale event left its mark on people’s minds, par­tic­u­larly that of Bruno Vil­laverde, deputy gen­er­al man­ager of the CID:

“The event that made the biggest impres­sion on me was the launch of the 306 Peugeot, which took place from Decem­ber to Feb­ru­ary 1993. It was the first major event at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville with people com­ing from all over the world. Only a few months after the open­ing, this event already high­lighted the CID.

This was fol­lowed by the Renault Mégane con­ven­tion in 1995, and Mer­cedes and BMW a few years later.

The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville also wel­comes the cul­tur­al world, wheth­er it be music­al, cine­ma­to­graph­ic, artist­ic or artis­an­al, and the archi­tec­ture of the site lends itself per­fectly to this. As early as 1993, the Nation­al Fed­er­a­tion of French Cinemas decided to organ­ize its event at the CID, which it renews every year. In 1995, the Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al of Clas­sic­al Music took place with the pres­ence of Gérard Poulet and Frédéric Park. In 2007, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville hos­ted the exhib­i­tion of Cam­ille Claudel, a paint­er and sculptor known through­out the coun­try for her tal­ent. The exhib­i­tion fea­tured vari­ous works of the artist cre­ated dur­ing the 19th cen­tury. Vari­ous events will then fol­low one anoth­er to pro­mote art and cul­ture such as Créativa or Art Shop­ping Deau­ville, fairs open to the gen­er­al pub­lic. Joël Daub­ichon tells us a memory:

“We met many artists, not­ably with the con­certs that were organ­ized at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville in part­ner­ship with the Bar­rière chain “Swing in Deau­ville” and radio pro­grams: there were Ray Charles, the Beatles, Louis Ber­tig­nac, Tori Amos, Chris Isaak…

The polit­ic­al sum­mits have left their mark in terms of their import­ance, their set­ting up and also their organ­iz­a­tion. In 2008, the con­ven­tion cen­ter was lucky enough to be the ven­ue for the meet­ing of the 27 European defense min­is­ters to address the sub­ject of strength­en­ing mil­it­ary cap­ab­il­it­ies, but also the ven­ue for the G8 meet­ing in 2011. Joël Daub­ichon, Tech­nic­al Coordin­at­or remembers:

“We received the inev­it­able G8 which was for us I would say an unusu­al event or we had to ques­tion everything, the min­is­tries arrive and we must adapt to their demands. For this event, the site had been com­pletely restruc­tured to cre­ate lounges for the pres­id­ents who were present.

These polit­ic­al sum­mits have developed the inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion of the town and also that of the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deauville.
The great personalities

All of these events have invited celebrit­ies, sports­men and women, busi­ness­men and women, as well as polit­ic­al fig­ures such as Simone Veil, Christine Lagarde and Barack Obama to gath­er in one place: the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville. This cul­tur­al and human diversity reveals the inter­na­tion­al scope of the place but also of these events.

“I’ve been able to rub shoulders with Charles Aznavour, Kev­in Cost­ner, Sylvester Stal­lone and Vanessa Para­dis, all of whom are very respect­ful of their audi­ences and of the event teams,” explains Jean-François Vincent.

explains Jean-François Vin­cent, Gen­er­al Man­ager of C.I.D.

Since 1992…

In order to offer its cli­ents the best exper­i­ence, sim­pli­fy events and adapt to new col­lab­or­at­ive work modes, the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter has been improv­ing its spaces on a daily basis since it opened in 1992. In 2018, the 356m² Sund­ance space com­pletes the offer, ded­ic­ated for cor­por­ate events, it is fully mod­u­lar. It offers a dec­or­a­tion with warm col­ors, a lay­out inspired by cowork­ing space with mod­ern fur­niture, and a friendly bar.

In 2020, no less than 20 sub-com­mis­sion rooms have been entirely ren­ov­ated, which can accom­mod­ate from 15 to 130 people, they are mod­u­lar and at the cut­ting edge of tech­no­logy: digit­al touch screens, audio amp­li­fi­ers and speakers…

The C.I.D. — Pal­ais des con­grès de Deau­ville is com­mit­ted to safe and sus­tain­able events: the teams integ­rate the notion of “eco-respons­ib­il­ity” into each of their actions, and are aware of the need to sup­port event organ­izers in their efforts to pro­tect the envir­on­ment. Ini­tially cer­ti­fied ISO 9001, a stand­ard focused on the qual­ity man­age­ment sys­tem, the C.I.D ‑Pal­ais des con­grès de Deau­ville turned in 2018 to an inter­na­tion­al stand­ard spe­cific­ally aimed at event play­ers: ISO 20121. It is also cer­ti­fied Sécuri Site, Safe Con­gress, and has worked for the labeling of the city of Deau­ville “Sus­tain­able Innov­at­ive Destination”.

  • 10 key dates in pictures

From its early years, marked by the inaug­ur­a­tion of the CID by Clint East­wood in 1992, to the first con­gress of the Nation­al Fed­er­a­tion of French Cinemas and the launch of the new Peugeot only one year after its open­ing, the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville looks back at the key dates that have accen­tu­ated its devel­op­ment and inter­na­tion­al reputation.

  • August 29, 1992: Inaug­ur­a­tion of Aven­ue Lucien Barrière
  • Septem­ber 4, 1992 : Inaug­ur­a­tion of the C.I.D. on the occa­sion of the 18th edi­tion of the FCAD by Clint Eastwood
    Inaug­ur­a­tion of Lucien Bar­rière Avenue  © Yves Aublet 
    Inaug­ur­a­tion cere­mony of the C.I.D. © Yves Aublet 
    Peugeot Convention  © CID 
  • 1999 : Fest­iv­al du Film Asiatique
  • 2005 : Women’s Forum
  • 2006 : Le C.I.D obtient la ges­tion de la Villa Le Cercle
    The Deau­ville Asi­an Film Fest­iv­al in 2006  © CID 
    The Villa Le Cercle  © J.Basile
  • 2011 : Som­mets poli­tiques dont le G8
  • 2014 : Le C.I.D change de nom et devi­ent le C.I.D Anne d’Ornano
  • 2017 : 1ère édi­tion du Deau­ville Tat­too Festival
  • 2022 : School Sum­mer Games (céré­monie d’ouverture, de clôture, restauration…
    The G8 Sum­mit in 2011  © CID 
    1st edi­tion of the Deau­ville Tat­too Festival  © CID 
    School Sum­mer Games  © Nai­ade Plante 

    The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville would like to thank all its part­ners and cli­ents who, through their loy­al sup­port, make it pos­sible to hold events at the C.I.D. — Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deauville.

    Thanks to their pre­cious trust and sup­port, the C.I.D. is still able to work on a daily basis to ensure the smooth run­ning and suc­cess of the biggest events year after year.

    Dis­cov­er 30 years of events in video:

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