The symposium: an unmissable scientific event

Salle de com­mis­sion du CID ©plan­fo­kal


Today, sym­po­sia have become major events in the world of research and innov­a­tion. The term, of Greek ori­gin, refers to a meet­ing of spe­cial­ists who address a spe­cif­ic top­ic or theme to exchange know­ledge and debate new ideas.

What is a symposium?

A sym­posi­um is an event organ­ized around a spe­cif­ic sci­entif­ic theme, bring­ing togeth­er research­ers, aca­dem­ics, experts and some­times even indus­tri­al­ists. The main aim of this event is to encour­age exchanges between par­ti­cipants, stim­u­late col­lab­or­a­tion and accel­er­ate the devel­op­ment of new solu­tions or dis­cov­er­ies in a giv­en field.

A sym­posi­um can cov­er a wide range of topics:

  • Medi­cine
  • Inform­a­tion technology
  • Envir­on­ment­al issues
  • Eco­nom­ics
  • etc.

The choice of theme is gen­er­ally based on cur­rent events, tech­no­lo­gic­al advances or the spe­cif­ic needs of an industry.

How is a symposium organized?

Symposium : A careful organization

To guar­an­tee the suc­cess of a sym­posi­um, it’s essen­tial to pre­pare its organ­iz­a­tion care­fully. This includes select­ing a suit­able ven­ue (con­ven­tion cen­ter, con­fer­ence cen­ter), com­mu­nic­at­ing about the event (invit­a­tions, social net­works, ded­ic­ated web­site) and put­ting togeth­er a well-struc­tured program.

Symposium : a rich and varied program

A sym­posi­um gen­er­ally takes place over sev­er­al days, or even a week. The pro­gram is made up of dif­fer­ent ses­sions, which can take the form of:

  • Plen­ary lec­tures: present­a­tion of the latest research and dis­cov­er­ies by recog­nized experts in their field.
  • Them­at­ic work­shops: in-depth dis­cus­sions between research­ers and spe­cial­ists on a spe­cif­ic topic.
  • Poster ses­sions: visu­al present­a­tion of research car­ried out by par­ti­cipants in the form of posters, enabling dir­ect exchange with oth­er delegates.
  • Round tables: open debates between experts and the pub­lic on top­ic­al or con­tro­ver­sial subjects.

Sym­posi­um also often fea­ture social events, such as cof­fee breaks, com­mun­al meals or gala even­ings, to encour­age net­work­ing and strengthen ties between participants.

How to run a symposium?

To ensure that a sym­posi­um runs smoothly, it’s import­ant to have skilled mod­er­at­ors cap­able of man­aging all the logist­ic­al and rela­tion­al aspects.

Here are a few tips on how to run a suc­cess­ful symposium:

  1. Pre­pare the event in advance: famil­i­ar­ize your­self with the pro­gram, speak­ers and topics.
  2. Ensure a con­stant and reas­sur­ing pres­ence on stage, by being both dis­creet and avail­able to answer ques­tions or deal with unfore­seen events.
  3. Encour­age audi­ence par­ti­cip­a­tion, by encour­aging par­ti­cipants to ask ques­tions or give their opinions.
  4. Facil­it­ate round-table dis­cus­sions, ensur­ing a bal­ance between the con­tri­bu­tions of each participant.
  5. Reg­u­larly remind par­ti­cipants of the sym­posi­um’s main theme and the object­ives of each session.

Run­ning a sym­posi­um is a del­ic­ate exer­cise, requir­ing both com­mu­nic­a­tion and event man­age­ment skills. This task can be entrus­ted to pro­fes­sion­als spe­cial­ized in this field, such as event agen­cies or inde­pend­ent moderators.

Audi­to­rium Michel d’Or­na­no ©plan­fo­kal
Salle de com­mis­sion du CID ©plan­fo­kal

Symposium VS specialist congress on a scientific theme

Spe­cial­ist con­gresses are anoth­er form of sci­entif­ic event, bring­ing togeth­er experts on a spe­cif­ic top­ic to share their know­ledge and dis­cuss recent advances in their field. These events are often organ­ized by pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­ations or research insti­tu­tions, and can wel­come sev­er­al hun­dred or even thou­sands of participants.

Des­pite cer­tain sim­il­ar­it­ies with sym­po­sia, con­gresses are gen­er­ally more focused on present­ing work and updat­ing pro­fes­sion­al know­ledge, rather than cre­at­ing new pro­jects or collaborations.

Mixed congress: combination of symposium and congress

There are also mixed con­gresses, which com­bine the sci­entif­ic and pro­fes­sion­al aspects of a sym­posi­um and a con­gress. These events enable par­ti­cipants to bene­fit from both exchanges of expert­ise and net­work­ing, while fos­ter­ing the devel­op­ment of part­ner­ships between research­ers, clini­cians and industry.

Back to the CRIP Symposium event

A showcase of technological innovation at the Centre International de Deauville

The cent­ral role played by the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville in the organ­iz­a­tion of this event and the cap­tiv­at­ing con­fer­ences and work­shops on offer.

The CRIP Sym­posi­um (Club des Respons­ables Infra­struc­tures, Tech­no­lo­gies et Pro­duc­tion IT), an asso­ci­ation of IT decision-makers, is a major event in the field of tech­no­lo­gic­al innov­a­tion, and this year it was held at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville. The sym­posi­um brings togeth­er experts, research­ers and industry pro­fes­sion­als from all over the world, offer­ing a unique plat­form for exchan­ging innov­at­ive ideas and explor­ing the latest trends in emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies. This year’s CRIP was atten­ded by 350 people.

Entrée Nor­man­dy ©plan­fo­kal
La Ver­rière ©plan­fo­kal

CRIP conferences and workshops

The CRIP Symposium is a crossroads for technological innovation

Each year, it brings togeth­er a diverse range of pro­fes­sion­als from the tech­no­lo­gic­al innov­a­tion sec­tor. IT experts, pro­ject man­agers, inform­a­tion sys­tems dir­ect­ors and research­ers share their know­ledge and exper­i­ence at this enrich­ing event.

Sym­posi­um con­fer­ences and work­shops cov­er a wide range of top­ics, includ­ing arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, cyber­se­cur­ity, digit­al trans­form­a­tion and much more. Guest speak­ers are recog­nized opin­ion lead­ers in their respect­ive fields, bring­ing added value to the con­fer­ence sessions.

The Sym­posi­um also offers a unique net­work­ing oppor­tun­ity, enabling par­ti­cipants to meet industry col­leagues, forge stra­tegic part­ner­ships and explore new busi­ness oppor­tun­it­ies. The inform­al dis­cus­sions that take place dur­ing the event encour­age fruit­ful exchanges and long-term collaborations.

As host of the Symposium, CID stands out for its commitment to excellence and quality

Confé­rence dans l’au­di­to­rium Michel d’Or­na­no ©plan­fo­kal
Audi­to­rium du CID ©plan­fo­kal

The CID Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville is an emblem­at­ic ven­ue of inter­na­tion­al renown loc­ated in the charm­ing coastal town of Deau­ville, Nor­mandy. With its mod­ern infra­struc­ture and extens­ive facil­it­ies, it offers the ideal set­ting for large-scale events such as the Sym­posi­um. Sym­posi­um par­ti­cipants can enjoy the beauty of Deau­ville, its beaches and its serene atmo­sphere, adding a unique dimen­sion to their experience.

Con­fer­ence rooms are equipped with the latest tech­no­logy, ensur­ing smooth, cap­tiv­at­ing present­a­tions. What’s more, con­fer­ence spaces offer optim­um com­fort, cre­at­ing an atmo­sphere con­du­cive to learn­ing and exchange. The spaces are equipped with the latest tech­no­lo­gies, enabling par­ti­cipants to fully bene­fit from the sym­posi­um experience.

  • An aud­it­or­i­um seat­ing up to 1,500 people.
  • Mod­u­lar con­fer­ence rooms for them­at­ic work­shops and par­al­lel sessions.
  • Space for poster ses­sions and exhibitions.
  • A cater­ing ser­vice to provide cof­fee breaks and meals for participants.

“The infra­struc­ture is exactly what we need. The aud­it­or­i­um can be adap­ted to the num­ber of par­ti­cipants, thanks to the play of lights and the clos­ing of the upper spaces. Anoth­er advant­age is that all breaks can be held in the con­ven­tion cen­ter.” Sylvie Roche, CRIP Gen­er­al Manager

Arche numé­rique du C.I.D
Entrée Normandy 

The CID also offers comprehensive catering and accommodation services

Sym­posi­um par­ti­cipants can enjoy gour­met meals and attent­ive ser­vice, adding a touch of refine­ment to their stay.

Loc­ated not far from Les Hôtels Bar­rières de Deau­ville (approx. 20m), the CID offers a range of qual­ity accom­mod­a­tion options, from com­fort­able rooms to lux­uri­ous suites, ensur­ing a pleas­ant and relax­ing stay for participants.

In addi­tion to its top-qual­ity facil­it­ies and ser­vices, the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville boasts a priv­ileged geo­graph­ic­al loc­a­tion, close to the beach, hotels and shops, provid­ing an ideal set­ting to encour­age exchanges and meet­ings between sym­posi­um participants.

Professionalism and attention to detail make CID a preferred choice for events

The ded­ic­ated CID team works closely with event organ­izers to ensure that every detail is taken care of, and that par­ti­cipants enjoy a mem­or­able experience.

“They are an excel­lent relay and a great sup­port for the organ­iz­a­tion of the event. They accom­pany us and advise us in par­tic­u­lar on stage man­age­ment and sceno­graphy, while fol­low­ing our guidelines, all the more so as we are not spe­cial­ized in events”. Sylvie Roche, CRIP Gen­er­al Manager

Inter­view Direc­trice Géné­rale du CRIP 


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CRIP Symposium at the Centre International de Deauville