Le hangar à énigmes de Deauville
Le Han­gar à Enigmes © ©J.Basile

Organ­iz­ing a team build­ing event requires pre­par­a­tion before­hand so that your employ­ees have a pleas­ant and uni­fy­ing time. And one ques­tion usu­ally comes up when plan­ning the event: what activ­ity should be done? The choice of the anim­a­tion is essen­tial for the suc­cess of a team build­ing. You must be able to com­bine the pleas­ure offered to your team with the achieve­ment of your objectives.

You want to organ­ize a team build­ing for your employ­ees but you don’t have an idea of activ­ity? With this art­icle, dis­cov­er 5 must-do activ­it­ies for a qual­ity team building!

What is team building?

The term team build­ing comes from Eng­lish: it means team build­ing in French. The event takes place

The event takes place around one or more activ­it­ies, with the aim of strength­en­ing team cohe­sion. The activ­ity is meant to be fun and uni­fy­ing so that your employ­ees spend a unique moment of shar­ing in a friendly atmosphere.

The prin­ciple of a team build­ing is based on the cre­ation of teams to reach a com­mon goal. The main goal is there­fore the col­lab­or­a­tion between col­leagues for the devel­op­ment of a team spirit.

Why do a team building?

But what is the interest for com­pan­ies to do a team build­ing day? Organ­iz­ing a com­pany activ­ity has sev­er­al advantages:

Doing a team build­ing is a great way to improve com­mu­nic­a­tion between your employees.
It is a good oppor­tun­ity to reduce the risks of con­flicts between employ­ees through the good atmo­sphere that allows to dis­sip­ate poten­tial tensions.
This cor­por­ate event is a chance to increase pro­ductiv­ity and motiv­a­tion of employ­ees once back at work.
This is why so many com­pan­ies organ­ize team build­ing days. All struc­tures can do this kind of event, this type of event is not just reserved for large com­pan­ies. It is pos­sible to find an activ­ity that will per­fectly fit the size of your com­pany and your budget.

5 ideal activities for a successful team building

Le Han­gar à Enigmes © ©J.Basile
Yoga sur la plage de Deau­ville © N. Plante 
Jet Ski Deauville 

You want to organ­ize a team build­ing event but you don’t have any idea of anim­a­tions to get the sup­port? Don’t pan­ic! We know that choos­ing an activ­ity that will please your teams is a more com­plic­ated task than it seems. That’s why we offer you a selec­tion of 5 activ­it­ies ideas to make your team build­ing a success.

Escape game

Very trendy, the escape game is the per­fect activ­ity for a team build­ing! This activ­ity takes place in teams, indoors, so it can be prac­ticed at any time of the year. The object­ive is to solve a riddle to escape from a room. This allows you to strengthen the cohe­sion of your employ­ees by mak­ing them work on a com­mon goal. The escape game allows each per­son to express their opin­ion, it is an excel­lent way to improve the com­mu­nic­a­tion of your teams!

Treasure hunt

Organ­iz­ing a team build­ing around a treas­ure hunt is a golden oppor­tun­ity to have a good time between employ­ees. It is a fun and sport­ive activ­ity ideal to improve the reflec­tion and the cohe­sion of a team. This team build­ing activ­ity is an excel­lent way to strengthen the bonds between par­ti­cipants. You can also prom­ise a reward for the win­ners to add to the chal­lenge and to be sure that all the teams give their all!


What if your team build­ing activ­ity was a rally? This is a good oppor­tun­ity to enjoy the out­doors with an out­door activ­ity. By opt­ing for this activ­ity, you are guar­an­teed to strengthen the team spir­it of your employ­ees in a friendly atmo­sphere. A rally pro­motes com­mu­nic­a­tion so that par­ti­cipants move for­ward togeth­er in the same dir­ec­tion. The employ­ees of your com­pany will have to make decisions as a team to reach the final destination.

Role playing games

By organ­iz­ing a team build­ing around role play­ing games, you can be sure to pos­it­ively sur­prise your employ­ees. This type of anim­a­tion is an excel­lent tool to fed­er­ate your teams effi­ciently. They must show cohe­sion and ima­gin­a­tion to pro­pose the best pos­sible res­ult. An ori­gin­al chal­lenge for your employ­ees, the guar­an­tee to spend a con­vivi­al moment.

Cooking activity

Do you want an anim­a­tion based on cre­ativ­ity and mutu­al aid? A cook­ing work­shop is the solu­tion you need! Take inspir­a­tion from TV shows to organ­ize this team build­ing activ­ity. The par­ti­cipants will have to work as a team to take up this culin­ary chal­lenge. This kind of event allows to oppose the teams in a good mood. To close this activ­ity, why not have a col­lect­ive tast­ing to share a good moment?

Organize a team building in Deauville

Autres sports et loisirs 60 © Ville de Deauville 
Les Planches © Patrice Le Bris 

Are you look­ing for the per­fect place to organ­ize a team build­ing day?

Deau­ville is the ideal place in France to organ­ize a team build­ing activ­ity. The sea­side resort of Nor­mandy is loc­ated only two hours from Par­is on the sea­side, so it is pos­sible to pro­pose chal­lenges on the beach and water activities!

The city is well served, which allows easy access for par­ti­cipants. The city is full of excep­tion­al places to host your activ­it­ies such as the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville or the Villa Le Cercle. These places will delight your col­lab­or­at­ors and will allow them to spend a very pleas­ant time.

In Deau­ville, we are spe­cial­ized in team-build­ing activ­it­ies with the fol­low­ing themes

Casino games,
Equi coaching,
Dis­cov­ery of the Pays d’Auge, the D‑Day land­ing beaches or the Mont-Saint-Michel,
Dis­cov­ery of the Nor­mandy gastronomy,
Don’t hes­it­ate any longer and come and organ­ize your team build­ing day in Deauville!

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