Professional spaceOrganize an eventPackaged offers • Study Day Villa Le Cercle

Study Day Villa Le Cercle

The Villa le Cercle is loc­ated on the seafront in Deau­ville, just a few meters from the Pal­ais des Con­grès. It wel­comes the most import­ant per­son­al­it­ies of this world on the occa­sion of polit­ic­al sum­mits and the Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al of Deau­ville. Com­posed of 4 lounges, a cater­ing area and a ter­race, the Villa le Cercle can be privat­ized for your Study Day.

L'architecture de la Villa Le Cercle Deauville
La Rotonde - Villa Le Cercle
Pause fraicheur à la Villa Le Cercle

Rental of spaces

Recep­tion area : recep­tion desk and checkroom

Con­fer­ence area : classroom or theat­er con­fig­ur­a­tion**, screen, video pro­ject­or, podi­um, mobile sound sys­tem, paper­board, water bottles for speak­ers and participants

Break area : lounge with buf­fet and stand-up table


Wel­come cof­fee or break : Nespresso® cof­fee, tea, fruit juice, min­er­al water and mini pastries

Lunch in one of our part­ner res­taur­ants, loc­ated a few steps away from the Villa le Cercle: for­mula starter, main course, dessert, water, wine, coffee

After­noon sweet break : Nespresso® cof­fee, tea, fruit juice, min­er­al water, sweetened coins


Stage man­ager or pro­ject manager

Audi­ovisu­al technician


Clean­ing staff

*Price exclud­ing VAT in work­ing days per par­ti­cipant. Offer sub­ject to space avail­ab­il­ity. Stage not included. Per­son­nel: 10 hours base between 6am and 9pm. Lunch on site at the Villa Le Cercle on estim­ate. Max­im­um dur­a­tion of a break: 1 hour. Max­im­um dur­a­tion of the lunch ser­vice: 1h30. ** Oth­er con­fig­ur­a­tion on estimate.

Download the brochure JE Villa le Cercle Deauville


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