Center International de Deauville: 1st tourist site in Normandy to obtain the “Sécuri-site” label



Tour­ism is a key issue for Deau­ville, France’s most pop­u­lar small town, whose nation­al and inter­na­tion­al repu­ta­tion is well established.

The Centre des Congrès de Deauville, a venue dedicated to large-scale events

The CID, organ­izer of the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al, hosts major pro­fes­sion­al and pub­lic events:

  • Pro­fes­sion­al events: con­ven­tions, con­gresses, sem­inars, sym­posi­ums, trade shows, gala even­ings, study days, sci­entif­ic days…
  • Pub­lic events: fest­ivals, shows, con­certs, trade fairs…

In 2022, the CID Deau­ville wel­comed 128,272 vis­it­ors, mak­ing it one of Nor­mandy’s largest pub­lic ven­ues. The stra­tegic loc­a­tion of the Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter, just 2 hours from Par­is, makes it an eas­ily access­ible con­ven­tion ven­ue in France.


Enhancing safety for tourists and professionals in Deauville

A cooperative effort to enhance tourist safety

To enhance tour­ist safety, the French Min­istry of the Interi­or has set up a tour­ism recov­ery plan, with a “tour­ism and safety” com­pon­ent com­pris­ing spe­cif­ic meas­ures to improve vis­it­or safety.

For sites such as the Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville, which are pop­u­lar with tour­ists, pro­fes­sion­als and cul­tur­al fig­ures, a close part­ner­ship has been set up between the site’s man­age­ment, the town in which it is loc­ated and the French gov­ern­ment, in the form of a site agree­ment.

The aim of this agree­ment is to mobil­ize, in close coordin­a­tion, the meas­ures, equip­ment and human resources needed to man­age the safety and secur­ity of the events to which the three part­ners agree.


Avenue Lucien Barrière pendant le G8 en 2011 | J. Basile

Signing of the sécuri-site label at CID Deauville

This close col­lab­or­a­tion between play­ers ded­ic­ated to pub­lic safety has res­ul­ted in the award of a “sécuri-site” label . This agree­ment was signed on Decem­ber 23, 2017 at 11:30 am at the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville by the sub-pre­fect of the Lisieux dis­trict, Phil­ippe Augi­er, May­or of Deau­ville and Carine Fouquier, Gen­er­al Man­ager of the CID. The first agree­ment signed in the Cal­va­dos depart­ment, it has been fol­lowed by oth­ers involving oth­er pop­u­lar tour­ist sites.

The CID has thus become the first con­ven­tion cen­ter in Nor­mandy to be awar­ded the sécuri-site label. This label reas­sures tour­ists and busi­ness tour­ism pro­fes­sion­als on the Côte Fleur­ie in Deauville.


Con­crete actions to pro­tect the public

What actions are taken to ensure pub­lic safety? Depend­ing on the threat and cir­cum­stances, the pre­fect may call on the secur­ity forces to :

  • Provide patrols to rein­force the pres­ence on the ground in Deauville,
  • Imple­ment appro­pri­ate sur­veil­lance meas­ures to pro­tect the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of sites open to the pub­lic, such as the CID Deauville,
  • Carry out sur­veil­lance mis­sions by secur­ity guards, to pre­vent dam­age, break-ins, theft on the pub­lic high­way, etc.

The safety plan drawn up by CID Deauville

The safety plan is drawn up by the oper­at­or, who is respons­ible for CID Deau­ville, to ensure the intern­al and extern­al pro­tec­tion and safety of the Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter. This safety plan includes :

  • Situ­ation­al pre­ven­tion meas­ures: the human ele­ment is at the heart of the chain (guard­ing, training),
  • Organ­iz­a­tion­al, with the cre­ation of appro­pri­ate documents
  • Tech­nic­al (build­ing pro­tec­tion, video protection),
  • Spe­cif­ic meas­ures for emer­gen­cies and crisis situations,
  • Alert exer­cises to main­tain the level of alert­ness of all those involved.

The site secur­ity plan is sub­mit­ted for approv­al to the head of the des­ig­nated secur­ity force and to the depart­ment­al “tour­ism-secur­ity” council.


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