Launch of the ticketing for the 6th edition of the Deauville Tattoo Festival!


Meeting with romain, president of the association deauville tattoo festival

You have been organizing the Deauville Tattoo Festival for several years, can you tell us about your attachment to Deauville?

I am Romain, one of the two organ­izers of the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al, an inter­na­tion­al tat­too con­ven­tion that has been held in Deau­ville for 7 years (*An edi­tion was can­celled dur­ing the COVID-19) and which has allowed me to make events my job. I am also Pres­id­ent of the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al association.

Ori­gin­ally, I was work­ing in Par­is in the music­al field and I was very attached to the Pays d’Auge, so much so that I left the cap­it­al when I was 25 years old to settle in Nor­mandy, this region that I really like because of my fam­ily his­tory. My grand­par­ents had a house in Villers-sur-Mer and I used to spend my vaca­tions there, what good memories!

I arrived in Deau­ville about 8 years ago and I decided to cre­ate my tat­too par­lour Deau­ville INK because I had been work­ing in this field for sev­er­al years: tat­too­ing and pier­cing were a real pas­sion! Fol­low­ing the suc­cess of the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al and thanks to that, I decided 2 years ago to stop my activ­ity and to sell my busi­ness to devote myself fully to the event business.

I am now a con­sult­ant and co-organ­izer of “Tat­too” events in France.

Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al 2017 by Kam­ila Burzymowska 
Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al 2017 by Kam­ila Burzymowska 

How did you start working together?

When I star­ted work­ing on the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al pro­ject, I really wanted to organ­ize an event with an inter­na­tion­al ambition.

We had met with the elec­ted offi­cials and the May­or, Phil­ippe Augi­er, to go in this dir­ec­tion. So I decided to turn to a long-time friend who was organ­iz­ing a tat­too show in Aix en Provence: the Cez­anne Tat­too INK.

We knew each oth­er when I was a child and it was obvi­ous to organ­ize this con­ven­tion with him because he already had exper­i­ence in the event busi­ness and he knew fam­ous inter­na­tion­al artists. This allowed us, from the first edi­tion in Deau­ville, to have very good tat­too artists. Pit­ou is like a “spir­itu­al fath­er” in the world of tat­too­ing! And after 7 years we still enjoy work­ing together!

What is the origin of the Deauville Tattoo Festival?

The first edi­tion of the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al took place in 2017: it was a rather risky bet because Deau­ville is known for its beach, its horses and its lux­uri­ous sea­side resort and not for this big con­ven­tion which has become one of the biggest tat­too con­ven­tions in France.

deau­ville ambiance 
deau­ville ambiance 
dimanche — best of show _ alicia — black horns — france 

What can we announce for this 6th edition?

The 6th edi­tion will take place on August 19 & 20, 2023. It’s an unmiss­able event between pro­fes­sion­als and the gen­er­al pub­lic, tat­too­ists or neo­phytes, where nearly 15,000 vis­it­ors are expected.

This year, we have no par­tic­u­lar theme but the con­ven­tion will high­light Poly­ne­sia. We will cre­ate, with the Bal­let Tahiti Mar­quise, a Poly­ne­sian vil­lage with about fifty stands includ­ing tat­too artists but also exhib­it­ors (jew­elry, cloth­ing, pearls…). The Poly­ne­sian tat­too artists will be more numer­ous this year as well as the Mar­ques­an and Poly­ne­sian shows which will take place 3 times a day.

350 to 380 tat­too artists will be present and will occupy 7000 square meters of the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville for this edi­tion, which rep­res­ents the max­im­um num­ber of tat­too artists that the Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al can receive. In addi­tion, there will be exhib­it­ors, exhib­i­tions and our res­taur­ant area.

The Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al allows us to show­case the work of artists to the pub­lic. Sev­er­al per­son­al­it­ies will be present to anim­ate this 6th edi­tion: Freaky Hoody, Pas­cal Tourain, Betty Bur­ger, The Black Tape Pro­ject and Fred Kyrel. The Black Tape Pro­ject, from Miami in the United States, will come for the first time in France and will present the dress­ing that it real­izes thanks to the black tape.

The Deau­ville Tat­too Fest­iv­al team is look­ing for­ward to see­ing you there to exper­i­ence a unique event in France. HERE

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