What is a Study Day?

Une conférence dans l'auditorium Lexington du C.I.D

The study day is gen­er­ally an inter-com­pany event: it brings togeth­er only the com­pany’s employees.
The study day allows par­ti­cipants to exchange ideas for half a day or a day in an unusu­al set­ting such as the CID Deau­ville in order to get away from every­day life: train­ing and inform­a­tion are the two pil­lars of the study day and are an integ­ral part of a suc­cess­ful busi­ness strategy.

The study day is a type of pro­fes­sion­al event often pack­aged by event ven­ues. All ser­vices are included:

  • recep­tion venue;
  • meet­ing spaces ;
  • cater­ing…

The rates are quickly com­par­able with those of the com­pet­i­tion. A study day is there­fore easi­er to organ­ize than anoth­er “à la carte” com­pany event such as a con­fer­ence, sem­in­ar, con­ven­tion

The objectives of the study day

Accord­ing to the organ­iz­a­tion­al man­age­ment of the com­pany, this cor­por­ate event allows to :

  • gath­er the teams around a round table con­du­cive to exchange and creativity ;
  • con­cen­trate the com­pany’s employ­ees on a work ses­sion, motiv­ate the employ­ees, by fed­er­at­ing them around a team build­ing activity ;
  • strengthen cohe­sion: make exchanges more flu­id and boost the feel­ing of belong­ing to the company ;
  • to move the employ­ees in train­ing ;
  • allow the man­agers to inform about the state of the com­pany, to make a bal­ance sheet of activity ;
  • inform about upcom­ing changes and anti­cip­ate the needs of a company ;
  • syn­thes­ize inform­a­tion and pre­pare the stra­tegic plan to con­vince poten­tial investors

Réunion d'entreprise au C.I.D Deauville dans l'espace Sundance

How to organize a study day?

To effi­ciently organ­ize a study day, it is first neces­sary to list the object­ives of this cor­por­ate event. A study day organ­izer can be appoin­ted to orches­trate the stages of the cor­por­ate event pro­ject. Draw­ing up the list of par­ti­cipants will allow the integ­ra­tion of all stake­hold­ers: com­pany employ­ees, train­ees, partners…
The pro­gram of the pro­fes­sion­al event will be designed accord­ing to the object­ives and the speak­ers. Sev­er­al con­fer­ences and round tables can punc­tu­ate the study day. It will be easi­er to keep the atten­tion of the employ­ees by altern­at­ing work meet­ings and breaks.
The week­end seems to be the best time to set the date of the study day, tak­ing care, when pos­sible, to make the usu­al office hours coin­cide with the hours of the com­pany meeting.
The format of the study day will be defined accord­ing to the travel time of the par­ti­cipants, the dens­ity of the inform­a­tion to be trans­mit­ted and the num­ber of activ­it­ies to be car­ried out. In gen­er­al, the study day is planned for one day and does not require accom­mod­a­tion for the par­ti­cipants, unlike the res­id­en­tial study day, which includes a hotel service.

The half-day study allows you to con­dense the event organ­iz­a­tion to a morn­ing or afternoon.

Course of a study day

The com­pany’s employ­ees are wel­comed at the event ven­ue with cof­fee, tea and pastries. They are then seated in the ded­ic­ated meet­ing rooms con­figured on demand to begin the work ses­sion. Depend­ing on the object­ive of the meet­ing, the event pro­ject man­ager will be able to advise the con­fig­ur­a­tion best adap­ted to the object­ives of this cor­por­ate event: in a classroom or in a theat­er, to favor the listen­ing of the speak­ers, in a cab­aret or in a U‑shape to stim­u­late the exchanges and the cre­ativ­ity of the par­ti­cip­at­ing public.
The lunch break rep­res­ents a moment of relax­a­tion and con­vi­vi­al­ity for the par­ti­cipants. It can be organ­ized in a space adjoin­ing the meet­ing room or in an out­side loc­a­tion depend­ing on the capa­city of the res­taur­ants that are eas­ily accessible.
After lunch, the work­ing ses­sions can resume, ideally with a break/snack in the middle of the afternoon.
The study days are often com­pleted by moments of fun and relax­a­tion. Team build­ing activ­it­ies are very pop­u­lar. Placed under the sign of con­vi­vi­al­ity, the incent­ive activ­it­ies are effect­ive to rein­force the team spir­it and the belong­ing to the company…
In order to make the day of study suc­cess­ful and impact­ful, focus on exchange time and involve your par­ti­cipants. Keep in mind that par­ti­cipants should leave with a sense of sat­is­fac­tion and well-being and addi­tion­al know-how and/or skills.

Yoga sur la plage de Deau­ville © N. Plante 
Jet Ski Deauville 

Where to organize a study day?

In order to get away from the daily routine, the choice of the loc­a­tion for the study day is essen­tial. The loc­a­tion must be eas­ily access­ible and optim­ally served to sim­pli­fy your employ­ees’ travel.

The Palais des Congrès in Deauville is the ideal place for a day of study

Why not take advant­age of the sea air only 2 hours from Par­is in Nor­mandy? The Pal­ais des Con­grès de Deau­ville is the ideal place for a day-long meet­ing. The CID, Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, offers sev­er­al pack­ages for a study day, includ­ing a study day at the Villa le Cercle de Deau­ville: this eleg­ant sea­side res­id­ence, which can be entirely privat­ized, offers an unusu­al set­ting, which will be the per­fect place for calm and reflec­tion and reception.

Dis­cov­er the study day formulas

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