

In the world of work, it’s essen­tial to main­tain a good cli­mate and atmo­sphere among employ­ees. One way of achiev­ing this is to organ­ize reg­u­lar busi­ness events such as com­pany parties and cere­mon­ies. Deau­ville and its Pal­ais de Con­grès offer the per­fect set­ting for cor­por­ate parties in Nor­mandy, less than two hours from Paris.

Why hold a company party ?

The first reas­on why com­pan­ies should con­sider organ­iz­ing even­ing events is simple: they improve the atmo­sphere and cohe­sion with­in the team. Indeed, these events offer an oppor­tun­ity to share pleas­ant moments out­side the usu­al pro­fes­sion­al set­ting, and to strengthen the bonds between employ­ees. It can also be an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity for man­agers and employ­ees to get to know each oth­er bet­ter and cre­ate a cli­mate of trust. Well-organ­ized com­pany parties increase employ­ees’ sense of belong­ing to the company.

Deau­ville, a pop­u­lar sea­side resort in Nor­mandy, is the per­fect place to bring your staff togeth­er for a cor­por­ate even­ing. The Nor­mandy con­ven­tion cen­ter has pres­ti­gi­ous spaces avail­able for hire for cor­por­ate events just a stone­’s throw from the sea. The CID Deau­ville events team is at your side to ensure the suc­cess of your busi­ness event.


Le salon Casino lors d’une soirée à la Villa Le Cercle 

A company evening to motivate employees

Organ­iz­ing a com­pany party can also make a major con­tri­bu­tion to employ­ee motiv­a­tion. The feel­ing of belong­ing to a team and recog­ni­tion for work accom­plished are key factors in keep­ing employ­ees involved and inves­ted in their work. Tak­ing the time to cel­eb­rate the com­pany’s suc­cesses and mile­stones togeth­er enhances the value of every­one’s efforts, and increases over­all motivation.

Villa Le Cercle, an idyll­ic ven­ue avail­able for hire, is the per­fect set­ting for a cosy cor­por­ate even­ing in Nor­mandy. Your employ­ees will appre­ci­ate the pleas­ant sur­round­ings and will be able to take advant­age of the busi­ness tour­ism offered by the town of Deau­ville.


La Villa Le Cercle 
Ver­ri­ere CID Deauville 

A cor­por­ate party to cel­eb­rate an anniversary or a success

Cor­por­ate anniversar­ies are par­tic­u­larly appro­pri­ate occa­sions for organ­iz­ing parties or cere­mon­ies. It’s a sym­bol­ic moment to look back on past achieve­ments, look for­ward to the future and share a com­mon exper­i­ence with the whole team. It’s also an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity for man­agers to thank their employ­ees for their com­mit­ment and invest­ment through­out the year.

Some ideas for celebrating this event

  • Organ­ize a themed even­ing based on the com­pany’s his­tory, busi­ness sec­tor or values.
  • Plan a vari­ety of activ­it­ies, such as games, work­shops or shows, to cre­ate a con­vivi­al and enter­tain­ing atmosphere.
  • Invite com­pany part­ners or cus­tom­ers to strengthen busi­ness relationships
  • Invite part­ners or cus­tom­ers to strengthen busi­ness relationships.

The main benefits of a company party

As well as improv­ing the atmo­sphere and strength­en­ing bonds between employ­ees, there are many oth­er advant­ages to organ­iz­ing a com­pany evening:

  • Devel­op cor­por­ate cul­ture: these events help to dis­sem­in­ate and cel­eb­rate the com­pany’s val­ues, object­ives and iden­tity among employees.
  • Fos­ter­ing intern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion: by bring­ing all employ­ees togeth­er in an inform­al set­ting, these even­ings encour­age exchanges and the shar­ing of ideas between dif­fer­ent depart­ments and hier­arch­ic­al levels.
  • Reward and recog­nize efforts: a com­pany even­ing can be an oppor­tun­ity to award prizes or dis­tinc­tions to deserving employ­ees, in recog­ni­tion of their work and skills.
  • Attract­ing and retain­ing tal­ent: com­pan­ies that emphas­ize qual­ity of work­ing life and human rela­tions are often more attract­ive to poten­tial can­did­ates, and retain their employ­ees more effectively.

Organ­iz­ing a com­pany party or even­ing has many advant­ages for improv­ing employ­ee well-being and motiv­a­tion, while strength­en­ing cohe­sion and cor­por­ate cul­ture. Wheth­er to cel­eb­rate an anniversary, a com­mer­cial suc­cess or simply to spend a pleas­ant moment togeth­er, these events are a prof­it­able invest­ment for man­agers con­cerned with the smooth run­ning and devel­op­ment of their company.


Buf­fet dans les halls © BabXIII 
Cock­tail-Sund­ance ©BABXIII

A few tips for a successful company party

  • Choose a suit­able ven­ue: the space must be large enough to accom­mod­ate all guests, and have the neces­sary equip­ment (sound sys­tem, light­ing, etc.). Many of the ven­ues at the Deau­ville Con­ven­tion Cen­ter in France are ideal for organ­iz­ing cor­por­ate events.
  • Plan a var­ied pro­gram for the cor­por­ate even­ing: to main­tain the interest of par­ti­cipants, it’s import­ant to offer enter­tain­ment and high­lights through­out the evening.
  • Involve employ­ees in the organ­iz­a­tion of the cor­por­ate even­ing: soli­cit­ing their ideas, skills or logist­ic­al help helps cre­ate a sense of belong­ing and com­mit­ment. The more inclus­ive the organ­iz­a­tion, the great­er the chance of success.
  • Com­mu­nic­ate in advance: inform­ing employ­ees well in advance of the date, ven­ue and theme of the even­ing will help to arouse their interest and facil­it­ate their participation.
Salon professionnel au C.I.D


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