Why choose the Deauville convention center CID for your next convention

Verrière palais de congrès de Deauville
Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville Verrière © bab13

Organ­iz­ing a suc­cess­ful con­ven­tion can be a real chal­lenge. Organ­izers need to con­sider many factors, such as loc­a­tion, facil­it­ies and the qual­ity of ser­vices avail­able. The Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville CID stands out as a rare des­tin­a­tion in France that meets these require­ments. In this art­icle, we present the reas­ons why you should con­sider the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville for your next con­ven­tion in France.

The CID Deauville convention center has a large capacity

The Deau­ville con­ven­tion cen­ter has the capa­city to accom­mod­ate con­ven­tions of all sizes, from small events to large inter­na­tion­al gath­er­ings. Its flex­ib­il­ity means that spaces can be cus­tom­ized to meet the spe­cif­ic needs of your convention.

Fast access to CID Deauville

Loc­ated on the Nor­mandy coast, Deau­ville is eas­ily access­ible from Par­is and oth­er major French cit­ies thanks to its well-developed trans­port­a­tion net­work. The town is served by Deau­ville-Nor­man­die inter­na­tion­al air­port, sev­er­al train sta­tions and a well-main­tained road net­work. This access­ib­il­ity means your con­fer­ence par­ti­cipants can reach the ven­ue quickly and easily.

Loc­ated in Deau­ville, a pres­ti­gi­ous sea­side resort on the Côte Fleur­ie, the Pal­ais des Con­grès CDI enjoys an ideal loc­a­tion. This sought-after des­tin­a­tion offers an eleg­ant set­ting, con­du­cive to relax­a­tion and con­cen­tra­tion, cre­at­ing an envir­on­ment con­du­cive to the suc­cess of your congress.


A top-of-the-range infrastructure for demanding conventions

The Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville CID boasts a mod­ern, ver­sat­ile infra­struc­ture, spe­cially designed to host large-scale pro­fes­sion­al events. The Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville features:

  • 18,000m² of space under a glass roof, offer­ing nat­ur­al light and a breath­tak­ing view of the sea and sur­round­ing gardens.
  • Numer­ous mod­u­lar rooms equipped with state-of-the-art audi­ovisu­al equip­ment, for work­shops, con­fer­ences and exhibitions.
  • An aud­it­or­i­um seat­ing up to 1,500 people, ideal for large con­fer­ences and shows.
  • A vari­ety of cater­ing facil­it­ies, includ­ing gour­met res­taur­ants and themed bars, offer­ing a unique culin­ary exper­i­ence for your guests.

These infra­struc­tures ensure optim­um com­fort for par­ti­cipants and organ­izers, while guar­an­tee­ing the smooth run­ning of the con­ven­tion.


The Centre International de Deauville, one of France’s most renowned convention centers

Since its inaug­ur­a­tion in 1992, the Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville CID has estab­lished itself as one of France’s most pres­ti­gi­ous con­ven­tion cen­ters. It has hosted:

  1. Inter­na­tion­al events, such as the G8 Sum­mit in 2011 and the Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate Con­fer­ence in 2015.
  2. Renowned cul­tur­al events, such as the Deau­ville Amer­ic­an Film Fest­iv­al, which attracts numer­ous celebrit­ies and film pro­fes­sion­als every year.
  3. Med­ic­al and sci­entif­ic con­fer­ences, bring­ing togeth­er experts from all hori­zons to dis­cuss tech­no­lo­gic­al advances and innov­a­tions in their respect­ive fields.

    This repu­ta­tion test­i­fies to the qual­ity of the ser­vices and facil­it­ies offered by the Centre Inter­na­tion­al de Deau­ville, one of France’s finest con­ven­tion cen­ters, which will meet your expect­a­tions for the organ­iz­a­tion of your con­ven­tion. Our events team is attent­ive to all your requests and will guide you through the organ­iz­a­tion of your con­ven­tion in Normandy.


    Deauville, a convention town with authentic charm

    In addi­tion to the Pal­ais des Con­grès, Deau­ville is a pop­u­lar des­tin­a­tion for busi­ness events thanks to :

    • Its pre­served cul­tur­al and archi­tec­tur­al her­it­age, with typ­ic­al Nor­man vil­las, half-timbered houses and flower-filled gardens.
    • A wide range of tour­ist and sport­ing activ­it­ies, includ­ing vis­its to the Casino Bar­rière, walks along the fam­ous board­walk, golf­ing and horse-riding.
    • Its sub­stan­tial hotel capa­city, includ­ing pres­ti­gi­ous estab­lish­ments such as Hôtel Bar­rière Le Nor­mandy and Hôtel Bar­rière Le Royal.
    The Villa Le Cercle  © J.Basile
    Hôtel Le Nor­mandy Bar­rière Deau­ville © Groupe Barrière 


    A setting conducive to meetings and exchanges

    Deau­ville’s peace­ful, refined atmo­sphere is a great place to meet and exchange ideas with your con­fer­ence par­ti­cipants. The town also offers an ideal set­ting for con­vivi­al even­ings and events along­side your busi­ness event. Deau­ville is an excel­lent des­tin­a­tion for busi­ness tourism.

    When you choose the Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville CID for your next con­ven­tion, you’ll bene­fit from an excep­tion­al set­ting and infra­struc­tures designed to ensure the suc­cess of your event. You’ll have the sup­port of a qual­i­fied team of tal­en­ted men and women. Don’t hes­it­ate to con­tact the CID Deau­ville teams to find out more about the pos­sib­il­it­ies offered by this excep­tion­al con­ven­tion center.


    The Pal­ais des Con­grès Deau­ville CID is a wise choice for your next con­ven­tion because of its mod­ern infra­struc­ture, ideal loc­a­tion, access­ib­il­ity, qual­ity accom­mod­a­tion, tail­or-made ser­vices and proven repu­ta­tion. By opt­ing for this pres­ti­gi­ous ven­ue, you offer your par­ti­cipants a mem­or­able and reward­ing exper­i­ence, while ensur­ing that your con­ven­tion is a resound­ing suc­cess. By organ­iz­ing your next con­ven­tion in Deau­ville, France, you’ll have the sup­port of a qual­i­fied team of tal­en­ted men and women.

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